Passionate, dedicated, and loving, Maxwell's House of Abilities team members love their work and it shows in everything they do. Our goal is to make a positive difference in the lifes of those with Autism and there families.
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Educational Expectation
What sets Maxwell’s House of Abilities apart from other schools?
Firstly, we take the ‘Dis’ out of disability. Meaning all students are equally acknowledged and accepted. It is within that space of acceptance where our curriculum is carefully curated to fit each and every learner.
When a student enrolls at Maxwell’s House the Educational Director meets individually with them to start building a rapport but also to collect personal and academic information. Then formal assessments are then conducted with the student and their educational baselines are created. For example, reading level, math computation skills and written language skills. This information is then used in conjunction with paperwork provided by the parents/guardians from the learner's current school (ARD, IEP, BIP etc.). Our knowledge (baseline info) plus what is shared with us from the school is then fused together in a way that the public education school system cannot do, in order to create a personalized curriculum.
Curriculum is essentially what is being taught to students. A public school’s curriculum is based on TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills) or learning objectives. TEKS are state-wide and created by the Texas Department of Education. School districts then use those learning objectives to create curriculum(s). Maxwell’s House takes this a step further by utilizing the teaching style that is known as Cross Content.
What is Cross Content?
On a typical day, you probably find yourself using knowledge and skills from a wide variety of areas. Yet too often, skills are taught in narrowly defined subject areas and more so, rarely built upon. For example, in science students are taught about the weather & it’s different seasons. At Maxwell’s we take an academic-based topic (weather) and take it a step further by including life skills and independent living skills like what clothes would be appropriate for each season. Always merging academics with real life social/emotional skills. Knowledge and skills built upon and connected to each other for the highest form of learning.
Christina Shelley
CEO, Executive Director